Approved by: The President
History: Issued -- October 25, 2023
Revised --
Last Reviewed --
Related Policies:
Additional References:

Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities; Title IX Grievance Procedures; Grievance Procedures for Non-Title Sexual Offenses Involving StudentsAccreditation Tracking Sheet

Policy Owner:

Office of the President, tel. (202) 319-5100

Contact Person:

Office of the General Counsel, tel. (202) 319-5142


I. Policy Purpose


Catholic University is committed to providing an academic and work environment that is open to the free expression of views and ideas. The purpose of this policy is to respect the privacy of other individuals in the workplace and on campus and to eliminate a chilling effect on the expression of views that may exist when participants worry that a conversation or meeting is being secretly recorded without the permission of all
participants. The unauthorized recording of meetings or conversations inhibits an open exchange of ideas, chills the deliberative process in decision making, and cultivates an atmosphere of distrust. In addition, this practice runs counter to many of the principles in the Code of Conduct for Staff and Faculty and the Code of Student Conduct.

Catholic University therefore finds it in the best interest of all its constituents to prohibit the unauthorized recording of conversations and meetings.


II. Scope


This policy applies to all Catholic University faculty members, staff, and students, including student employees.

This policy does not pertain to the authorized recording of classes by students, including students who have an approved accommodation from Disability Support Services to record classroom sessions. The recording of classes is governed by the Recording Classroom Lectures Policy.

This policy does not apply to the recording of town halls, conferences, or other public events hosted by the University or event sponsors. Consent to the recording by attendees is not required in this context. As a courtesy, the University or event sponsor will provide notice to attendees that the event will be recorded.

This policy does not pertain to law enforcement, Title IX, or Non-Title IX Sexual Offenses investigations or hearings or faculty, staff, or student conduct matters in which the University makes a recording for investigative purposes or as part of an adjudication process.


III. Policy


Secret recordings are strictly prohibited. Recording conversations, phone calls, images, or organizational meetings at Catholic University with any recording device (including but not limited to a cellular telephone, PDA, digital recording device, digital camera, etc.) is prohibited unless all parties to the conversation or meeting give their consent in advance.

Where the requisite consent has been obtained to the recording, the recording device must be in plain view of all parties present.

Recordings that violate this policy, and any memoralization in writing of such recordings, shall not be considered in any investigation and are inadmissible in any hearing involving faculty, staff, or students.


IV. Accountability


A violation of this policy will result in corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.