Approved by: Provost
History: Issued -- September 19, 2005
Revised --
Additional History (Letter from Dr. Convey on Compensation from Sponsored Grants and Contracts and Consulting and External Service)
Related Policies:

Conflict of Commitment; Conflict of Interest (Faculty Research); Conflict of Interest Finance Policy # 12.

Additional References: Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
Responsible Official: Provost tel. (202) 319-5244

I. Introduction

CUA expects a faculty member to devote full time to research, teaching and university service during the academic year. In return, a faculty member is paid a base salary for 100 percent in performing his or her faculty responsibilities. This policy defines the rules that apply to external consulting.

II. Definitions


III. Policy
The University recognizes that a faculty member can benefit professionally, as well as financially, from outside consulting by providing services to individuals, institutions, the profession or the community. The University also benefits when outside activities enhance a faculty member's capacity or reputation as a teacher or scholar. As a result, the University permits a faculty member to engage in outside professional consulting or service that (a) does not interfere with the faculty member's responsibilities to the University as defined in the Faculty Handbook, and (b) does not exceed the time limitation on outside commitments specified later in this policy.

This policy applies to all faculty members holding a full-time faculty appointment for 8.5 months or an annual administrative appointment. For a faculty member on less than 100 percent appointment, the policy is applied in a manner consistent with the faculty member's contractual obligations.

The outside professional activities of a full-time faculty member, whether compensated or not, shall not exceed an average of one day per week for the term of the faculty member's appointment unless prior approval of any additional time is obtained from the faculty member's Dean.

For the purpose of this policy, work supported by a sponsored grant or contract to the University for which the University compensates the faculty member does not constitute outside activity, even if the work is performed off campus.

A faculty member shall report on an annual basis to his or her Dean those outside activities for which the faculty member receives compensation from an individual or organization external to the University.

A faculty member engaged in outside activity may identify an association with the University, but shall take care that the name of the University is not used in any way that implies endorsement or approval of the activity.

The following activities, even if compensated by a source external to the University, are considered part of a faculty member's normal scholarly activities:

• Writing of books or articles or the creation of works of art;

• Giving lectures and speeches, participation in colloquia, symposia, site visits and the like

• Refereeing of manuscripts;

• Attendance at professional meetings;

• Holding office in a scholarly or professional organization;

• Editorial responsibilities for a learned journal.

formatting checked 9/18/13 - VAL

updated and links checked 12/17/10 KVP