Approved by:
The President
History: Issued            --
Revised         -- August 22, 2018
Reviewed   -- August 22, 2018
Related Policies:
Departmental Parking Permits Policy
Additional References: Vehicle Registration and Parking Information
Responsible Official: Executive Director, Housing, Recreational Sports and Fitness, Transportation and Parking, tel. (202) 319-5615


I. Policy Statement


Students, staff, faculty (including adjuncts) and visitors parking at the Catholic University of America are required to obtain a parking permit or utilize metered parking as set forth in this policy.

The Catholic University of America, its officers, trustees, agents and employees, hereby disclaim responsibility, expressed or implied, to protect against theft or damage to vehicles or their contents.

Detailed information regarding vehicle parking and permits is available from the Office of Transportation and Parking Services, located in the Pryzbyla Center room 242. For more information visit

II. General Policy

Parking permits are required to park at the Catholic University of America. Permit types are used to designate parking locations on campus; please refer to the Campus Parking Map. Commuting students, faculty (including adjuncts) and staff may purchase either a surface parking permit or a garage permit. The University also offers for sale 1-3 day permits and other short term incremental parking permits for the foregoing groups. Parking overnight is prohibited on campus between 12 a.m. (midnight) and 7 a.m. Sunday through Saturday with the exception of vehicles that display a valid University residential parking permit or a valid University decal with an overnight approved sticker affixed.

Resident freshmen and sophomores are not allowed to purchase parking permits nor bring vehicles to campus. Resident juniors and seniors may bring vehicles to campus but must purchase a resident permit. All resident parking for juniors and seniors, with the exception of that serving Millennium North and South residents, is surface parking. Millennium residents wishing to park on campus must purchase a Resident Garage Permit.

Permits may be purchased at the Office of Transportation and Parking Services, located in the Pryzbyla Center room 242. Individuals may purchase only one vehicle permit. Permits are transferable between different vehicles owned or operated by the individual registering.

III. Handicapped Parking


Vehicles displaying valid state or District of Columbia issued handicapped licensed tags, placards or window permits identifying the driver or passenger as handicapped will be authorized to park in designated handicapped spaces on campus. Note, however, that a valid University issued parking permit must be displayed in conjunction with the state or District of Columbia issued handicapped license tag, placard or window permit. DAV (Disabled American Veteran) tags will not be recognized for this purpose.

Temporary on campus handicapped permits may be issued to those who provide verification from a licensed physician stating the nature of their incapacity and the amount of time they are expected to be incapacitated. Such permits may be requested from the Office of Transportation and Parking Services, located in the Pryzbyla Center room 242. Temporary handicapped permits will not be issued for longer than 30 day increments and are subject to department approval and verification. Temporary on campus handicapped permits are only valid on campus.

Vehicles displaying state issued handicapped tags, placards or window permits, or University handicapped permits are exempt from meter fees.

IV. Visitor Parking


Visitors may park in metered parking spaces or obtain a visitor's parking permit from the Office of Transportation and Parking Services, located in the Pryzbyla Center room 242.

Visiting lecturers, speakers, and consultants wishing to park without charge must obtain a visitor parking permit from the department they are visiting. Prospective students and their family members wishing to park without charge must obtain a visitor parking permit from the Office of University Admissions, McMahon Hall room 102.

Faculty, staff, and students are not considered visitors and shall not be issued departmental visitor parking permits by any University department. Fraudulent use of visitor permits is prohibited.

Resident student GUEST permits are available any time at the Office of Transportation and Parking Services, located in the Pryzbyla Center room 242, and may only be used overnight. They are issued to the resident after he/she makes proper identification and provides the required information on the guest's vehicle. Both the host and the guest must be present in order to obtain a guest permit.

V. Metered Parking


Metered spaces are provided for visitors to the campus, and may be utilized for the period indicated on the meters, without regard to registration requirements. Parking meters are located throughout the campus, in front of Mullen Library and across from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The meters are enforced between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday. Vehicles with state or District of Columbia issued handicapped tags, placards or window permits are exempt from meter fees. Vehicles displaying a University parking permit along with a state or District of Columbia issued handicapped tag, placard or window permit are also exempt. Malfunctioning meters should be reported immediately to the Office of Transportation and Parking Services. Motorists are prohibited from parking in spaces with defective meters.

VI. Violations Penalties and Payment of Fines


The Department of Public Safety assesses fines for violations of parking and traffic regulations. All fines are payable at the Office of Transportation and Parking Services, located in the Pryzbyla Center room 242. Fines must be paid in full.

VII. Appeals


The Traffic Appeals Board is organized with representation from the University community. The Executive Director is responsible for the administration of the board. If the violation penalty is paid within 10 calendar days of issuance an appeal may be requested. Appeal forms must be submitted at the time the fine is paid.

VIII. Immobilization/Towing of Vehicles


The Department of Public Safety, in coordination with the Office of Transportation and Parking Services, immobilizes vehicles that have accumulated three or more violations. Vehicles may also be immobilized for displaying a counterfeit, stolen, altered, lost, or revoked permit. Immobilized vehicles will not be released until the owner/operator pays all fines and fees associated with the vehicle at the Office of Transportation and Parking Services during normal business hours. All after hours transactions are handled by the Department of Public Safety at Leahy Hall room 120; the only acceptable form of after-hours payment is cash. Vehicles immobilized in excess of 72 hours may be towed at the owner's expense if the owner fails to pay violations that are due.

Vehicles causing hazardous conditions, parked in violation of signs, or left for extended periods of time without permission will be towed.

IX. Snow Emergency


A snow emergency route has been established for the University campus. The snow emergency route will allow for the expeditious removal of snow and ice, and subsequent treating of roadways and parking areas throughout the campus. The snow emergency route for University is designated in red on the campus parking map. All vehicles are prohibited from parking along the snow emergency route during a snow emergency. A snow emergency on campus will be declared any time the District of Columbia government declares a snow emergency. Vehicles parked along a snow emergency route during a declared snow emergency will be fined and towed.

X. Retirees and Long Term Employees


Parking privileges for retirees are established through the Office of Human Resources (HR). Contact HR at tel. (202) 319-5050 for questions regarding parking privileges and benefits. Per the Departmental Parking Permits Policy an employee with twenty or more years of regular continuous service at the University as of the August 31 immediately preceding the parking permit annual cycle is eligible for a general parking permit at no charge (no form required). Note, however, that this benefit does not apply to employees hired after April 30, 2012.