Sponsor: The Committee, appointed by the President, will be sponsored by the Compliance and Ethics Program with legal support from the Office General Counsel.

Mission: To ensure that:

  • There is a clear process for proposing, approving and disseminating policies;
  • There is consistency in the format and presentation of policies;
  • Conflicts between policies are eliminated to the extent possible;
  • All policies required by law or other external regulation are in place and up to date;
  • A complete set of University policies exists, is reviewed regularly, and is accessible to the University community;
  • There is proper archiving of policies;
  • The policies are consistent with the mission of The Catholic University of America; and
  • A mechanism exists for coordinating the dissemination of policies.

Role: The Committee supports the President in implementing and disseminating policies, promulgated by the appropriate University authority, and in identifying a responsible University official and office for each policy as the policy owner. The Committee also serves as an advisory group to the President on policies, making suggestions on amendments to existing policies, and reviewing new policies for practicality, clarity, and adequacy of the document to the University's operations. The Committee will also consider how the draft language might affect operations in other areas and where appropriate make suggestions on incorporating concerns expressed by staff in the affected areas. Membership of the Committee will include a representative from each Vice Presidential area. Compliance with policies resides with individual managers and Vice Presidents, who are responsible for establishing procedures and systems to ensure compliance. The Committee follows the development and procedures set forth in Policy Development.