Approved by: The President
History: Issued             -- June 1994
Revised           -- February 24, 2025 (Mandated by Department of Education Guidance, February 14, 2025)
Last Reviewed --  February 24, 2025
Related Policies:
Additional References:

Policy Owner:

Responsible Official:

Vice President for Finance and Administration, tel. (202) 319-5606

Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer tel. (202) 319-5050

I. Introduction


Appointments to all positions in the University are made on the authority of the President exercised either directly or by delegation.

II. Authorization to Hire


The Office of Human Resources is responsible for recruitment for exempt and non-exempt positions. The Office of Human Resources is to be informed of position vacancies by submission of the "Request for Authorization to Recruit". If not already on file, a current position description which identifies the essential functions of the job must accompany the request.

III. Recruitment


  • Upon receipt of the Request for Authorization to Recruit form, the Office of Human Resources will advertise the position on the online and printed Human Resources Position Listings.
  • All vacant positions, with the exception of some instances of a promotion within a department or senior hires by the President as set forth in Section V, must be advertised on campus for at least five working days before it may be filled on a regular basis. No one may be employed in a temporary, acting, or reduced-time capacity with a view to transfer to regular status without advertisement of the position.
  • Any inquiries and applications received directly by a department should be referred to the Office of Human Resources for recording, evaluation, and disposition. The University encourages employees to refer qualified applicants to the Office of Human Resources.
  • Requests for external advertisement of a position must be coordinated through the Office of Human Resources. The cost of external employment ads is borne by the hiring department.
  • Any solicitation of applications through employment agencies must be arranged through the Office of Human Resources.
  • Supervisors should not approach employees reporting to other supervisors as potential applicants for vacant positions, but should seek an indication of possible interest through the Office of Human Resources.
  • The Equal Opportunity Officer should be consulted concerning sources of recruitment.

IV. Qualifications


  • To be considered for employment in a regular full-time position, an applicant must be seventeen years of age or older. To be considered for temporary or regular part-time employment, an applicant must be at least sixteen years of age and, if only sixteen years old, must have a work permit from the District of Columbia.
  • Prior to beginning work at The Catholic University of America, all new hires, including student workers, must demonstrate that they may legally work in the United States by presenting documentation required by the US Customs and Immigration Service for completion of an I-9 form. I-9 forms may be completed on behalf of the University only by the Office of Human Resources, the Office of International Student and Scholar Services, the Office of the Provost or other individuals specifically delegated such authority by one of those offices.
  • An employee returning from extended leave for medical reasons including leave for purposes of childbirth, FMLA, or military leave including National Guard or Reserve duty, and who is eligible for re-employment will be returned, if possible, to the position previously held or to a comparable position.
  • A relative of an employee of the University will be considered for employment, transfer or promotion under the policies and procedures ordinarily applicable, except that members of the immediate family may not be assigned to a position in which one would have direct or indirect administrative or supervisory responsibility for the other or be in a position to influence the terms or conditions of the other person's employment. "Immediate family" is defined as a spouse, child, including adopted and step child, parent, parent-in-law, sibling, or legal guardian. This provision is effective for all employment actions occurring after November 30, 1988 and is applicable to all regular or temporary, full-time and part-time employees.
  • To avoid the potential of a conflict of interest, no University, full-time or part-time regular or temporary employee, may hold a position in an academic department or, in schools without departments, in the school, in which the employee is a student.
  • All employees are expected to support the University's mission as a Catholic university, including the University's commitment to the teachings of the Catholic Church. All terms and conditions of employment and all associated benefits are subject to and interpreted in accordance with the teachings and practices that the University adopts in accordance with its mission as a Catholic university.

V. Selection


  • Each applicant must complete the Application for Employment form.
  • The Office of Human Resources will forward all applications and resumes for a vacant position to the hiring manager. The Office of Human Resources will screen applicants for positions at the request of the hiring manager.
  • The Office of Human Resources may arrange subsequent interviews of the applicant(s) deemed most qualified and suitable with the department where the vacancy exists.
  • The hiring manager is responsible for the selection of the preferred applicant in accordance established qualifications and criteria of the position. Immediately upon selection, the supervisor must notify the Office of Human Resources by submitting a completed Request for Authorization to Offer Appointment or Staff Promotion (Part II form), and Applicant Register Tally and an Employee Data Form. Job Offers will be made through the Human Resources Office after approval of the Part II package is complete. Appointment letters for exempt positions will be prepared by Human Resources for signature by the President or cognizant Vice President. Appointment letters for non-exempt positions will be sent directly from the Director of Human Resources.
  • New, regular, exempt and non-exempt employees are subject to the provisions of the Initial Review Period policy.
  • Unsuccessful applicants who feel they have been discriminated against are entitled to use the University's discrimination complaint procedures.
  • The President may hire senior staff (e.g., Provost, Vice Presidents, Chief of Staff, General Counsel, Compliance Officer) and others who report to the President without following the recruitment or selection process set forth in this policy. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to conflict with the confirmation or removal powers of the Board of Trustees, or with provisions for certain appointments as set forth in the University's governing documents.

VI. Orientation for New Employees


New employees are expected to attend a New Hire Orientation session conducted semi-monthly by the Office of Human Resources. Employees are encouraged to attend New Hire Orientation during their first week of employment. During the orientation, employees will be educated about the University's identity and mission as a Catholic university, will be informed that the terms and conditions of their employment are subject to and interpreted in light of that identity and mission, will be familiarized with some of the University policies, and will be given a review of the benefits available to staff members. Further orientation specific to each position and department will be conducted by the new employee's supervisor.

VII. Hiring Procedures for Temporary Positions

Definition: A temporary position is defined the Definition of Employment Status policy.

Recruitment: The usual procedures for advertisement of positions do not apply to temporary positions, with the exception of a long-term temporary assignment or an assignment with specialized requirements, in which case it may be appropriate to advertise the position. In such a case, it is helpful to provide the Office of Human Resources with a written job description. For short-term temporary needs, supervisors may contact the Office of Human Resources for a list of temporary employment organizations they may contact. The University does not maintain a pool of temporary workers.

Appointment: Temporary appointments require the completion and submission of an Employee Data Form to the Office of Human Resources before work commences.

VIII. Initial Review Period


The first three months of employment at the University are considered an initial review period. The initial review period provides the opportunity for the supervisor to provide guidance and to observe and evaluate the new employee's job performance. It also provides the new employee with the opportunity to learn and understand the objectives of the position and to demonstrate proficiency in the position. If during the initial review period performance is deemed less than satisfactory, the employee may be subject to dismissal.

Due to the nature of their positions, positions designated as administrative are not subject to an initial review period. All professional and non-exempt employees have a three-month initial review period. Employees who are covered by the terms of a Collective Bargaining Agreement are subject to the provisions designated therein. Special Police Officers in the Department of Public Safety have a six-month initial review period.

Prior to the completion of the third month of the initial review period, the new employee's supervisor must complete an Initial Review performance evaluation form (available on the Human Resources web site) and submit it to the Office of Human Resources. Evaluation of the new employee's performance determines if the employee will be retained after the initial review period.

If the recommendation by the supervisor is not to retain the employee, the supervisor must contact the Director of Human Resources prior to discussing employment termination with the employee. In exceptional circumstances, the probationary period may be extended for a limited period of time with the approval of the Director of Human Resources.

Although an initial review period applies to an employee transferred or promoted to a new position, the employee is eligible to use leave, tuition, and other benefits without waiting for the end of the new initial review period.

Employees discharged during the initial review period are not entitled to payment for accumulated vacation leave or to severance pay.

IX. Performance Evaluations


Performance management is an ongoing process designed to assist employees to perform their jobs at the highest possible level and thereby contribute to the achievement of the University's mission and strategic goals. Regular evaluation improves communications and reinforces mutual understanding between supervisor and employee regarding performance expectations, job requirements, priorities and future goals. Evaluations also assist the employee in continuing professional development. The following guidelines are applicable to the performance evaluation process.

Regular employees are evaluated at the conclusion of their initial review period and annually thereafter by their supervisors. Performance should be discussed as frequently as possible during the year. Annually, a formal evaluation interview will be scheduled, at the conclusion of which the employee and supervisor sign the evaluation form. The original copy of the form, with additional comments of the employee if he/she so chooses, is filed in the employee's official personnel file in the Office of Human Resources. The supervisor should give a copy to the employee and retain a copy.

X. Promotions and Transfers


  • It is the policy of the University to promote from within the organization whenever appropriate. A promotion advances an employee's assignment to one at a higher classification with greater responsibility and complexity, usually with an increase in compensation. Promotions afford the University an excellent opportunity to satisfy the career development goals of its employees. The University requires that all qualified persons be given equal consideration for positions of promotion and transfer.
  • A transfer changes an employee's assignment from one position to another at the same or, in some cases, a lower classification. Transfers may involve an increase or, in some cases, a decrease in compensation.
  • Under normal conditions, an employee must be in a position for one year before being eligible to apply for a position in another area, or be promoted to another position. In limited circumstances where there is a demonstrated need to transfer or promote an employee to another position within the first year, the transfer or promotion may occur with the approval of the Office of Human Resources. Under no circumstances may a transfer or promotion occur if the employee is still within the initial probationary period.
  • All positions are listed on the Human Resources web site and are published in the weekly edition of Position Listings, available in hard copy format in the Office of Human Resources, 170 Leahy Hall. If interested in one of the positions, the employee should review the application guidelines on the web site or call the Office of Human Resources for further information.
  • An applicant for promotion or transfer must have the required education and experience to be considered for the position that is vacant. Demonstrated work history, work performance, and the ability to perform the essential functions as listed in the job description will be evaluated.
  • In order to promote an employee to a new position, the supervisor must follow the procedures as outlined in Section V of this policy.
  • When an employee accepts a transfer or promotion, he/she will be subject to the provisions of the initial review period policy. Leave, tuition and other benefits will not be affected by the new evaluation period.
  • When an employee holding a position classified as non-exempt transfers to an exempt position, she/he should use unused annual leave which has accumulated while the employee held a non-exempt position. If use of unused annual leave is not possible, the employee will receive payment for that unused vacation leave. If payment is made it will be at the pay rate of the non-exempt position and charged to the budget of the unit where the non-exempt position was held. An employee transferring from an exempt to a non-exempt category will not be paid for unused annual leave, but will be given credit for years of service in determining the rate of leave accrual for which he/she is eligible in the new position.
  • The provisions of the sick leave policy pertain to both job classifications and are not affected by transfers.
  • If an employee is terminated following promotion or transfer, he/she will not be automatically reinstated to the position held prior to the promotion or transfer.